
Improved security on servers. Changing PHP.

Constant hacking sites that located on popular CMS Joomla, Word Press and others basically . Recently, due to problems with data security CMS, constant infection sites for external code files that send spam and attack other resources (websites , servers) , it was locked with a web server, so it was decided to correct the situation on the server side that banning a number of dangerous functions in php, also audited on firewall and blocked a number of services , infected files , and code removed. List of disabled functions PHP: apache_child_terminate apache_setenv define_syslog_variables escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd eval exec fp fput ftp_connect ftp_exec ftp_get ftp_login ftp_nb_fput ftp_put ftp_raw ftp_rawlist highlight_file ini_alter ini_get_all ini_restore inject_code mysql_pconnect openlog passthru php_uname phpAds_remoteInfo phpAds_XmlRpc phpAds_xmlrpcDecode phpAds_xmlrpcEncode popen posix_getpwuid posix_kill posix_mkfifo posix_setpgid posix_setsid posix_setuid posix_setuid posix_uname proc_close proc_get_status proc_nice proc_open proc_terminate shell_exec syslog system xmlrpc_entity_decode In case if you want to enable some of them are or will be any problems with the availability of resources that were previously available but now there is no access contact sheet of support.

Third NS-server

To improve the service was introduced three NS-server. All three NS-Server is included in different data centers. Address of the new server -

The April special offer!

When choosing a service VPS / Dedicated Servers you get an additional discount:
- Payment for 3 months - discount - 6% of the subscription fee;
- Payment for 6 months - 11% discount on the subscription fee;
- Payment for 1 year - 16% discount on the monthly fee.

IT Event « April 2013 »

We invite you to attend the fifth conference of the Ivano-Frankivsk IT Event « April 2013 ." It will bring together experts and LLC « Persheron " Speakers - Specialist Practitioner of our data center - Marian Korenyuk on the topic «Sphinx - efficient full-text search ." Delegates will meet with professionals practicing IT market to participate in the raffle of gifts from the organizers and sponsors of the event , as well as a fun and interesting way to spend time with like-minded people . Date and time of event : April 20, 2013, from 10.00 to 17.00. Venue: Ivano -Frankivsk, street . Y.Konovalets , 35 (Indoor Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law. Galician Daniel King ).

The opening of the data center

The opening of the data center " Persheron " Active development of infrastructure , implementation of new projects , the constant increase in the number of servers and telecommunications equipment gave impetus to create your own data center. The company " Persheron " is not a newcomer to the market of information services. More than seven years of service performed under the brand Clover web hosting in Kiev. In 2011, the leadership decided to create a project plan for the construction of the center -of-date spatial location in Ivano- Frankivsk. The aim of the project was to create a secure data center with the most modern telecommunications equipment that meets international standards TIER 2 +. The building, which was hosted data center , located on the outskirts of the city of Ivano -Frankivsk meets all industry standards : the thickness of the walls and concrete floors can withstand load 3t 1m2 , indoors excellent insulation, industrial power class II- tension held between two stations. The opening of the data center is in June 2012. From this period the company began to place their own physical servers , telecom equipment, physical dedicated server clients and provide service kollokeyshn in its own data center , which significantly affected the quality of service delivery.